
Showing posts from June, 2006

Kevin Hulsey Illustration

Viktor Schreckengost

Justine Smith money sculptures

soviet gadgets

Roger Wood klockwerks

Rubik cubes museum

Dactyl Fractal Zoom

one thousand paintings

Willard Wigan - Micro Sculptor


The world's flags given letter grades

Mark Jenkins: Street Installations

classic pedal cars

Helmut Smits

The Calvin and Hobbes Searchable Database

Los Angeles architecture

Ron English

New age of television

Vivianite painters portal

The Sheep Market

Ron Mueck

Wacky Packages

The City of Absurdity

Muppet Wiki

Nam June Paik

Ken Kagami strange objects

eua de Play-Doh

Dada a irrational art movement

The Simpsons House: Plans

Joseph Seigenthaler


Montage Art of Winston Smith

eboy city posters