Banksy Punked Paris Hilton

Banksy does it again, he took 500 copies of Paris Hilton's debut album, and given them his own unique makeover before smuggling them back into stores across the UK for sale.
He switched the CD's in store, taking the old ones out and putting his version in, but he left the original barcode so people could buy the CD without realising it had been interfered with.
He tampered with the CD's in branches of HMV and Virgin as well as independent record stores in Bristol, Brighton, Birmingham, Newcastle, Glasgow and London.
Some of the CD's appeared for sale on ebay.
flickr user sharl bought two of those cd's and posted the photos to flickr
Watch the video of the Banksy opperation at you tube.
For more about Banksy visit earth invaders previous posts here and here.
The flickr photos tagged Banksy
And also the Banksy locations map.